The Past Due Detail Report provides a detailed listing of past due loans. Typically this report is generated as of the current date, however, this report can be used to project delinquencies for a future date. A projection report displays the projected delinquency values (balance, amount due and days delinquent) as of some future date. This projection assumes that:
- All accounts that are delinquent at the time of printing will remain delinquent.
- No new accounts become delinquent.
- Any promises to pay that are due on or before the As of Date will be kept.
The delinquency values are projected as follows:
- Days Delinquent: This value is increased by the number of days between the current date and the As of date.
- Current Balance: This value is decreased by the total of any promises due on or before the As of date.
- Amount Due: This value is decreased by the total of any promises due on or before the As of date.
All loans that are delinquent at the time of printing are included in this report even if there is an outstanding promise that will, if kept, make the account current. |
Access to this report is controlled through administrator-defined Security Profiles. |

The report is generated with the following filters.
Filter |
Description |
As of Date |
By default, today's date is populated in this field. If desired, use the calendar icon to select a new date to be included in the report results. Information is included in the report as it appeared in Elements that day.
Set a later date (e.g. the end of the month) to project how delinquent the accounts will be on that date. |
Loan Status |
From the drop-down, select the loan statuses to include in the report results. |
Days Past From |
Enter the start of the range of days past due to include in the report results. By default, NULL is selected to include all dates in the report results. |
Days Past To |
Enter the end of the range of days past due to include in the report results. By default, NULL is selected to include all dates in the report results. |
Current Amount Due From |
Enter the start of the range of current amount due values to include in the report results. By default, NULL is selected to include all dates in the report results. |
Current Amount Due To |
Enter the end of the range of current amount due values to include in the report results. By default, NULL is selected to include all dates in the report results. |
Worklist |
From the drop-down, select the worklists to include in the report results. Loans in the selected worklists are included in the report results. By default, all worklists are selected.
Users may be restricted to their own worklists depending on configuration of their Security Profile in System Management >Collection > Security Profiles. |
Delinquent/Locked |
From the drop-down, select the delinquent and locked statuses to include in the report results. |
Change any of the filters and click View Report to regenerate the report using the new parameters.
Refer to the Reports in Elements topic for information on the report's toolbar.